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Movements of the Soul: Family Constellations

Join Tara on an experiential workshop or private 1:1 session to access the potential for profound healing, compassion, understanding & self-knowledge

Profound Healing & Understanding

Join me, Tara Fischer for an experiential workshop or a private 1:1 session for the movements of the Soul-family constellations. Experience the potential for profound healing, understanding & self-knowledge.

Do you have a present-day family, relationship, or life issue that keeps playing on repeat or something you just can't seem to shift on your own.  within your family of origin dynamic? Or current relationships?

This powerful modality can help resolve dysfunctional family blocks, couples issues and spiritual divorce from past relationship that need final closure.

Systemic Family Constellations was originated by Bert Hellinger, it has multiple facets and can be understood as cutting-edge psychotherapy, a reintroduction to ancient shamanic wisdom and also an introduction to the evolution of wisdom, leading the inquirer to 'knowing thyself'.

Family in line on the beach looking towards sunrise over water Movements of the Soul Family Constellations
Woman with hand on heart Movements of the Soul Family Constellations

Movements of the Soul

Family Constellations or 'Movements of the Soul' is a deeply experiential method of helping individuals resolve issues in a gentle, powerful, and non-judgmental manner. This approach helps reveal the hidden dynamics that often can keep us stuck in a rut on many levels.

It is recognized that our deepest attachments are to our family systems including the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th generations previous to our own. Through loyalty and love for this family system problems and patterns can be seen in these generations. The constellations' work can help address these entanglements and potentially resolve them to bring more peace and power to our lives today.

This has truly been one of the most powerful tools I have come across in the past 25 years. It is so powerful it is being used in the mainstream across the UK and South America. They are even using it in the family court system and school system!! That is a testament to the power of this work in those forward-thinking countries.

People holding fingers of a hand Movements of the Soul Family Constellations

Next Event


Date May 25 

10 am - 5 pm


Venue: Authentic Living Center
Level 2, 113-115 Oxford Street ,

Darlinghurst NSW 2010

$188 first 10 spots

$222 thereafter


18 spots maximum 


Zoom online sessions are also available to inquire just fill in the connect with me form.

Register Now


“It’s not easy to put into words what happens or how it works, and being a very process and structured  person I couldn’t tell you the mechanics of it if I tried. But what I do know, from my heart is that this WORKS! From another field/space that we cannot see, but we can feel, it’s like a knowingness from within that feels right.


It is quite an amazing process to just step in and trust, to feel, to connect to something bigger than self, without ‘trying or needing to thinking’ about it.


I can confidently say that participating in this event is an opportunity to receive for yourself and your whole family a gift - insight, awareness, knowing, connection, love and healing.


I absolutely loved every part of the experience and am so thankful for Taras amazing intuitive and connected facilitation. I am excited for the next opportunity to participate.”

- Marni

Tara has been the most influential facilitator over my life's journey

Her uniqueness stands in the magic and ritualistic attitude she carries

Tara is extremely intuitive and she knows what to do, you feel safe in her hands.

The major difference over other facilitators that I have encountered, it is literally in her experience of life. She embodies what she teaches

You feel guidance from someone who actually has walked that path rather than learned it from a book!


Since working with Tara my life has shifted 360 Degrees.

I have discovered who I am and what I am doing here!

I have learned how my life experiences were just perfect for extreme as they were,

I needed to go through them to become who I am today!

I have experienced Tara as a trusted, safe, and knowledgable facilitator and so I wish to pass my experience to others!!


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Alexa Young, CA

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