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Hope and Heal

Closing the gap in women’s trauma recovery in our community

Vision, Mission & Purpose

Hope and Heal is tackling the ambitious goal of closing the gap in women’s trauma recovery in our community, and have big dreams for the future. We believe everyone has a part to play in helping women take back control of their recovery, health, and wellbeing.


A large role our organization plays is in spreading awareness and advocating for real systemic change within the judicial, federal, and department of Health sectors. Part of our advocacy program also includes organizing a group of like-minded organizations to host a vigil every year in Sydney. On International Elimination of Violence Against Women Day, we gather to honor the lives of women and their children who have been killed by domestic homicide.

Hope and Heal hands holding heart rock
Hope and Heal woman holding hands to her lips thinking feeling surviving

Supporting women’s long-term needs

We support women from Domestic Violence backgrounds, intimate partner violence survivors, and women with lived sexual assault and abuse experience to heal from their experiences.


Hope and Heal supports women’s long-term needs and potentially lifelong impacts of trauma, beyond the immediate crisis period. Through a 3 day trauma-informed residential retreat, we provide a safe space for 12 women to recover and revitalize.


The Women conclude the three day program with a deeper understanding of themselves, a shared sense of empowerment, connections to communities and take home information for long-term use, as they continue the recovery process.

Hope and Heal is tackling the ambitious goal of closing the gap in women’s trauma recovery in our community, and have big dreams for the future. We believe everyone has a part to play in helping women take back control of their recovery, health and wellbeing.

We are dedicated to a monthly contribution to this cause and maximizing their impact on the lives of all the women they touch. We are also dedicated to contributing time and service at the weekend retreats to bring the unique contributions that Embody the Sacred Foundation has to offer. As well as bimonthly facilitated events for the organization.


I know from personal experience and having worked with women from domestic violence and sexual abuse backgrounds for well over a decade, the power that the practices of embodiment, movement, dance, and family constellations can have. I’ve experienced and facilitated the radical transformations that can take place when the trauma is integrated and space is made for healing and purpose to reenter one’s life.


I am honored to be a sponsor and contributor to an organization supporting women.

Hope and Heal dandelion thinking feeling surviving

The marriage of missions and what being a sponsor  means to me

Hope and Heal open hands yellow flower thinking feeling surviving
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