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Nurtured in Nature

This personalised retreat is a deep dive created just for you and what it is you want to work on

Personalised 1:1 Healing Retreats

Imagine yourself immersed in Nature on a 3.3 private acreage Retreat nestled in the native Eucalyptus forest in the world heritage Blue Mountains. Soaking in the serene energies, receiving hands on healing, vibrant healthy food, personalised ceremony and rituals tailored to your specific needs.


Being in Nature you will attune back into your own rhythm. Being in Nature will allow you to start to drop into your self, into your body, coming home. You will get in tune with YOU.

A woman standing in front of the sunset nutured in nature
pool meditation nutured in nature

Clear the way for you to thrive

This personalised retreat is for a deep dive created just for you and what it is you want to work on. This can be anything from shamanic ritual, ceremony, sexuality, emotional healing, relationship ending, tuning into your purpose, healing old wounds, releasing negative beliefs and programs, clearing trauma, getting in touch with what is holding you back in your life and clearing the way for you to thrive.


We will have a 30 min discovery session via Zoom so I can get in tune with what you would like to experience and how I can best guide and serve you.


I will create a nourishing menu just for you full of nutrients, homemade kombucha, kefir, ferments for healthy gut to bring you back into balance. Or simple food if you prefer. The great thing is it’s totally up to you.

Nurtured in Nature Inclusions

All Nurtured in Nature deep dives include:


  • Accommodation in your own private room. (shared bathroom)

  • 3 Nourishing meals per day and all the ferments you can drink

  • Elixirs, magical potions, ceremonial cacao tailored for you

  • 1 x 2 hour session of your choice


The above is the minimum session outline. The following are add-ons for you to choose from and create your own journey once we have our discovery call.


Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Fire Ceremony, Bush walk connecting with Nature~how to listen, Sacred Tobacco Ceremony (hapè), Releasing Ceremony, Family Constellations, Spiritual Divorce~releasing old relationships, Shamanic Tantric Session~getting in touch with your body, your pleasure, Emotional Clearing session, Shamanic Healing session, mediumship, Crafting Ritual.

healing brass bowl and twine nutured in nature
Image by Robert Lukeman


SHAMANIC HEALING 1:1 SESSION | 90 MIN - $365  |   2 HRS - $455 INCLUDES 10% GST





Working hours weekdays 9am-6pm

Some evenings and weekends available on request.


If you are in a position of financial hardship and feel that this work would greatly support you, please reach out to me and I’m sure we can come up with a plan or price reduction to meet your needs.


To book a session with Tara, fill out your details for a 15-minute discovery call below.

Nurtered in Nature Retreat

PACKAGES: Starting at $2,222 up to $4444

This will be discussed and tailored for you during your discovery call.


DURATION: 3 days.




Looking forward to sharing your deep dive with me at the Bush Temple.


To book a session with Tara, schedule a discovery call with the button below. 


“I have so much love and appreciation for the work Tara is doing. Tara has been an integral part of my growth and continues to be for almost 4 years now. With such a nurturing, loving and caring approach, I have felt so supported in every event, workshop or one on one I have done. I really love how real she keeps things in all her knowing and profound understanding getting to the true core of what is needed.


I will continue to spread the love and seed of this incredible woman, so everyone can have the opportunity to be transformed with the power within them that Tara so effortlessly shines the light on! 

Thank you so much for everything you embody! I love you!”

- Amy, Sydney, 34yo

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