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Phoenix Rise Woman Rise

6-Month Mentoring Program Begins June 22th 2024

Three Cycles of Transformation

This 6-month mentoring program embodies three cycles of transformation for coming into your sensual sovereignty as a woman, into your power, purpose, pleasure, and radiant feminine essence, with no apologies. You will experience pleasure in all things, even the dark sticky bits. This is where the gold is. You will build a strong foundation to Embody your Soul's feminine essence!!


This program is a deep dive where you will be guided every step of the way. Each cycle is specifically designed for you to step into your true essence and fully embody your powerful nature as a woman. Feel a deep level of confidence, sensual, sacred aliveness! We will work with 3 major cycles, creating new healthy habits and rituals for everyday life. Therefore, creating new neural pathways in the brain, allows you to get into the magical flow of Life and create the life your heart desires.     

Long-lasting change takes time and commitment. There is no way around this. This container is truly a rocket ride of awakening. 

Phoenix rise woman rise tara fishcer
Phoenix rise woman rise tara fishcer queendom

Enter your Queendom

You will be held in a sacred container to go on your Heroine’s journey. In the 1st cycle, you will delve into the underworld to discover what is holding you back and what needs to die. We will work on all levels of the mother wound. The 2nd cycle is the transition phase to gather and build your tools and discover your natural gifts. We will explore the father wound and how this plays out in your life. The final 3rd stage is being reborn from the ashes, creating the life you desire from a place of confidence and authenticity. We will work with deepening your sexual essence by working with the rose quartz Yoni egg and so much more!


You will be working with 3 powerful archetypes to empower and guide you on your journey to freedom to create a new empowering story. You will learn how to embody the aspects of each Goddess into your own Life to help you to continue to flourish and grow.

You will be working with Quan Yin the Goddess of Compassion and Mothers, Mary Magdalene and the path of the Rose teachings, Isis the Priestess of Sex magic. Entering into your Queendom.

What this program includes

Self-inquiry and navigational tools to take a deep dive and uncover Your Brilliance

Weekly embodiment practices and rituals to awakening Your Power.

From Qigong, meditation, guided rituals, magick, to deeply transformational awareness practices.

Learn how to build an altar, with the tools and practices necessary for magical and personal practice.

Access to the private group and a community of sisters who witness and hold each other through the journey.

A place for you to share your journey, be held and seen, a circle of support. This is a rocket ride! 

25 x 1-hour Zoom conference calls each week to attend live or watch the recording, 1 per week

3 x 1.5 hour one on one sessions, 1 session every other month. If you require more support discounted sessions are available to you.

5 x 1 full day of Ceremony Initiation and crafting together in Nature including dancing, breathwork, herbal healers, flowers, private sweat lodge and transformational processes.

Take a journey and RISE like the Phoenix from the ashes to be reborn into your feminine brilliance and create the life of your dreams

Alchemical  Essences and Alter Pack Includes


  • ALCHEMICAL TRINITY ESSENCE PACK - LIBERATION, REDEMPTION, BLUE LOTUS ESSENCE (enough for the course). You will begin with Liberation for the first 2 months, Redemption for 2 months and Blue lotus for 2 months.













Image by Francis Nie
Itinerary - 2024Journey commences Saturday June 22nd

JUNE Itinerary

  • Opening Ceremony & Initiation | SAT/22 /06/2024| 930 am - 5 pm | Location TBA

  • The First Cycle begins with Quan Yin


Private  Group Access


  • Live Group Call | Wed | 26/06/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom


July Itinerary

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 03/07/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 10/07/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 17/07/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 24/07/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Rebirth Sweat Lodge Ceremony | Sat | 27/07/2024 | 930 am - 5 pm | South Coast

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 31/07/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom


August Itinerary

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 07/08/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Honoring Mary |  Sat |  24/08/24 | 9 30am - 5 pm | 

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 14/08/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 21/08/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 28/08/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom


September Itinerary

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 04/09/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 11/09/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 18 /09/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

October Itinerary

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 2/10/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 9/10/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Awakening Sacred Sexuality Ceremony | Sat | 12/10/2024 | 930  am - 5 pm | 

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 16/10/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 23/10/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 30/10/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • The Third Cycle Begins with Lady Isis


November Itinerary

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 06/11/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 13/11/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 20/11/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Live Group Call | Wed | 27/11/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom


December Itinerary​

  • Live Group Call | Wed 4/12/24 | 7:30pm - 8:30pm | Zoom

  • Closing Celebration Ceremony  | Sat | 07/12/24 |  930 am - 5 pm 

1st Cycle of Initiation Healing with the Mother ~ Quan Yin ~


The first cycle is all about building a strong foundation. Building our elemental body temple. First, we must burn down all the boxes, beliefs, programming that keeps us small. Just like the Phoenix, WE WILL RISE from the ashes to be born anew.


We will be working with all aspects of the Mother. Healing with the womb of the Earth, your own Mother’s Womb, and tapping into the Pure Light of Creation in your own Womb. It’s time to break free of those old stories that bind us to the mundane, the status quo.


It’s time to step into the Magical Flow of Life. The absolute knowing that all of Life supports YOU. Letting go into the Mothers Sacred Embrace and into TRUST the Womb of Creation………Your Magic!!!

1st cycle of rise woman rise

Heal the Mother/Father-daughter relationship to mature into a woman

How to connect with The Earth Mother and fully step into Trusting yourself, your intuition

How to release and heal untold stories that keep you small

Simple Shamanic practices to connect to your own Wisdom and the Wisdom of Earth

How to embody your power through Kundalini Dance, Tantric Shamanic Dance, Women's Qigong practices

Clearing your Ancestral Feminine line

2nd cycle of rise woman rise

How to work with magick, rituals using flowers and herbs

Opening the pathway of the Heart with tantric practices

Releasing negative body image stories, loving the skin you are in

Womb/Breast clearing and activation

How to embody your sensual power through shamanic dance

Work with Mary Magdalene, Women’s Qigong

Give yourself full permission to come into feeling

Cultivate confidence, activate your pleasure potential

Simple daily practices how to work with the Rose and increase self love.

2nd Cycle Radical Self Love

~ Mary Magdalene ~


Mary Magdalene Path of the Rose Teachings

Mary Magdalene teaches us how to step into Radical Self Love. She will guide our journey this cycle to assist us to come into a soft sensual way of being. Open and receptive. A place of reverence and purity where there is no forcing. We will lift the veils of being in an over sexualised society and how that has kept us disempowered as women, as sisters. That which has kept us in competition and comparison of one another. We come into sensual feminine embodiment and graciousness.

Open to your sacred sexual innocence. Step out of the distortion of manipulation and seduction. Come into a deeper way to love and be in your body.


Artwork By Linzy Arnott

3rd Cycle Sensual Sexual Sovereignty ~ Isis ~


Deepening into Sex Magic of Isis and Blue Lotus

Isis helps to bring us even deeper into our sexual essence. We will begin our work with the Rose Quartz Yoni egg to clear, cultivate, nourish our sex organs and harness our sexual power.


We will use the power of shamanic tantric dance and practices to find and express our powerful sexual energy. We will continue to deepen in our tantric radical self love practices.

Third cycle of rise woman rise

Simple practices to connect you to the wisdom of the Priestess, your sensual body

How to work with the crystal Deva of the Rose Quartz Yoni egg

Ancient Taoist practices working with your egg

How to work with Blue Lotus Flower

Learning your boundaries, knowing your yes and no

Opening and claiming your voice

“A strong woman is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft & powerful, she is both practical & spiritual. A strong woman in her essence is a gift to the world.
~ Native American Saying ~”

You will be working with embodiment practices, women's qigong, kundalini dance, family constellations, magickal crafting, meditation, plant/elemental magick, ritual, writing practices, breathwork, sacred sexuality practices, radical self-love, how to work with flowers and crystals, ancient Taoist practices working with a rose quartz yoni egg.


This work is absolutely life-changing! With dedication and commitment and daily practice watch everything transform! I won’t do it for you, I will walk beside you and guide you every step of the way. This course will challenge and test you. It will wake you up to your core.


What does it mean to be fully embodied in your feminine essence? It means you are feeling fully radiant and alive to the very core of your being. You radiate and magnetize the right people, the right relationships and the right career to you. A place where there is no force, no neediness, no manipulation to get your needs met, no comparing yourself to other women. You become the woman you are meant to be, living a life full of passion and purpose. You embody all the aspects of woman, wild, free, graceful, confident, sensual, loving, powerfully authentic and radiant.


Be fully embodied in your feminine essence


What am I noticing is new and different after completing PRWR? There is a power when I stand in my true feminine goddess energy that I don’t feel at any other time. When I am connected to my inner goddess, everything else falls into place. I feel calm, at peace, full of love, and I am able to give and be of service to others in a way that is beneficial to all, including myself.

 I am now noting how quickly things manifest and the scary part of this is that I had better be damned sure of what I want as when I am clear of what I want it turns up quickly … the old saying is true “be careful what you wish for”!


 It has given me an appreciation of what sensuality is; it is more than just ‘sex’ as what society tells us. It is the connection of all the senses, the visual of candlelight, the aroma of essential oils, the tactile of body salts and scrubs to the act of self pleasuring. It is a gift that I can give to myself and when I do this I am honouring myself and my body. It is releasing the shame, guilt and unspoken words of the limiting beliefs that I have been carrying with me my whole life.

There is a feeling that there is an even bigger world of love and connection and possibilities than I’d ever imagined. There’s a feeling that this is only the beginning and that I am able to create whatever I want.


I would 110% recommend this course. It will take you on a journey of self discovery unlike anything you have experienced before. If you are on the fence then it means it’s the right thing for you otherwise it would not have crossed your path at all. You have nothing to lose but you have a world of love for yourself to gain.


One of my biggest highlights was being mentored by Tara Fischer, she was able to see into me and intuitively know what I needed. She gently brought us along the journey through all the different stages. She taught us practical things and brought music, dance, sound, breath and spirituality into my life. Most importantly Tara brought love. 


Tara brought her experience and gifts before us so we could learn more about ourselves. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with this amazing woman and to witness how truly gifted she is. I love her!! 

- Jacinta

grayscale photo of a feather

Application Form

Thank you for your interest in Phoenix Rise, Women Rise! So that I can ensure we are a good fit, please fill in the application form below and I’ll get back to you ASAP to schedule our discovery call.

Thanks for submitting!

Apply Now

Our Refund Policy

By joining this training you are entering into a sacred contract for energetic support and empowerment. You will be held within it and guided through transformative work. Transformative work inherently brings up inner and outer barriers to be addressed.


To support you in meeting these, and gaining the fruits of your original intention to join the journey, and also honor the sacred energetic support you are receiving, please note that there are NO REFUNDS once the training has begun.


This includes payment plans, which you are committing to complete, even if you decide to not take full advantage of the varied offerings.


If there is extreme hardship then you may, upon application, be given a pause in your payments or we can mutually dissolve your sacred contract from that point forward, meaning no more participation, support or payments.


Tara Fischer reserves the right to remove any participant who is not resonant with the group field and/or the teachings of Tara Fischer. Or remove any participant who is undermining the cohesion of the group in any way.

Tara Fischer is responsible for a partial refund of any monies to the said participant minus the time for all and any sessions that have taken place. Including all goods and services that have been given, received, and ordered.


Thank you for honoring yourself and the support and empowering forces being brought together for this alchemical journey.

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